I am so lucky that you’re in my life. For me, you are a priceless gem that I don’t want to lose ever. Thank you for being the best! I love you.Through thick and thin, we have been together. Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends Thinking about you makes me breathless and missing you gives me a fever. I can never think of anyone else who could love me so deeply!You’re not perfect but you’re just so close to it that it makes me feel so lucky all the time!If I ever found a genie in a bottle, I would spend my three wishes wanting you by my side forever.You are my greatest possession and I cannot risk losing you for anything. There is nothing sweeter than to receive a sweet text when you need it the most. I love you!You are the perfect match for me and I know it from the first time I saw your beautiful face. To me, you are like a sunflower in the dust. You are the treasure that I looked for all of my life!Taking the vow with you was the best decision I have ever made. I love you for all the great things that you did to me.I fell in love right at the first moment I saw you. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me and I’ll cherish you in my heart forever!You give me a reason to wake up every day, a dream to fight for, a life to worth live off. I enjoy every moment I spend in loving you. I promise you to protect your heart from every sorrow from now on. Then I woke up and saw you.
I want to be lost in your eyes and find myself again in a new world. If you were milk, I would be a cat so I can drink you sip by sip. It is the only thing which keeps me breathing beautiful.I feel fortunate to have you in my life as you light it up with your glow. You have made me know how it feels to love and find true love. I love you today and will love you till kingdom come. Thank you for being the nicest person that I ever met!Your love awakened my soul from hibernation.
This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. A loving message from your partner will surely brighten up your day. I’m still living in a fantasy and all credit to that goes to you. All I want now is to dedicate this life in loving you!I don’t know if you feel the same but I do feel the love in the air. Darling, I cannot imagine if can survive in this world without your love and support. I feel lucky to have you. Every day, I fall in love with that gorgeous face and that golden heart you have.Because you are in my life, everything seems perfect and nothing is out of balance. So, glad that I have you in my life, sugar.Want to be with you during both happy and sad times. It doesn’t matter how much you love someone if you fail to craft the art of picking the right words for your romantic messages, all your efforts to make them realize it will go in vain. The first one is true for you and the second one is for me!I love how you keep on taking my breath away every single time. I will still hug you, kiss you and miss you with all my might. You are an epitome of beauty.My love for you grow stronger with the passage of time and I will never let go of you. You’re my favorite person of all time.Your words penetrate my heart like an arrow. Keep loving me like this forever. You have my whole heart, sunshine. And it’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!I loved you, I love you and I will love you forever.For everything that you have blessed me with, I can only promise that my life, my love, and my world will always be for you!Words are not enough to say thanks to you for being with me.
You make me full of hope even when there’s no hope left. The best thing is you never disappear even when I wake up. The love I have for you will never fade!You carry my heart with you.
So, we will share with you touching love messages you … I love you so much.Thousand reasons are not enough to make me feel loved and special. Love you to the fullest.The things you do for me and our family melts my heart and make me realize how lucky I am having you by my side forever. I will love you until the day after forever.I dream of a world where you and I would live for a thousand years to love each other. Now the owner of my heart is you. You surely are the best thing that has ever happened to me.Your genuine kindness and beautiful soul capture my heart every time, darling. I hope the flames of our love lasts for eternity.I want to hold your hand under the moonlight as you lovingly place a cherry blossom on my hair.Be the candle that gives light, not the candle that is melted by its own bright.
It’s so precious that everyone wishes for it.
I went to a personal trainer for five weeks and I learned more about fitness than I ever had in my 10 years of working out!After things calmed down from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, a trainer from my mom's gym contacted me and asked me if I wanted to do a free, three-session "jumpstart." I love you so much, honey. Between the pictures shoved in our face from magazines to how leading roles in our favorite movies look, it's too easy to be overwhelmed by what we are "supposed" to look like. I love being loved by you.You are the reason for my smile and my happiness. Keep laughing like this always. Without you, my life is nothing but an ocean of dust.No fear can touch me except the fear of losing you.
Love you dearest wifey.If incarnation is true, I will want you as my wife in every life I get. I need you here my love. You are not just my husband/ lover, you are my best friend. You brought colors into it and now I’m seeing rainbows everywhere. I want to be with you for an eternity and more. His goal was to raise money for his educational nonprofit, The new composition, "Where's The Love?" It will gradually make his or her day without any single doubt. I am lucky for having you.When I was crawling in the dark, hiding all my feelings and insecurities, you came like a knight in the shining armor and saved me. Ever. Love you!I still skip my heartbeat whenever I look at you.
This place will always remain constant and intact.