Small thrush with a round head and big belly.
Eastern bluebirds are carnivores (insectivores), they eat insects and their larvae, including caterpillars, butterflies, moths, and grasshoppers. These little birds are easily recognized by the male's bright royal blue upper plumage, chest of reddish brown and white abdomen. Nest in cavity (built mostly by female) is a loosely constructed cup of weeds, twigs, and dry grass, lined with finer grass, sometimes with animal hair or feathers.
When they are not nesting, these birds roam the countryside in small flocks. Photo: Dick Dickinson/Audubon Photography Awards Young leave the nest at about 18-19 days on average. Until fairly recently, Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) were uncommon in many areas, mainly due to loss of habitat open space / snags), and competition for nesting sites from introduced species (starlings and house [English] sparrows). While perched close together, pairs may preen each other's feathers; male may feed female. Chicks are reproductively mature at the age of one.Eastern bluebird numbers fell in the early 20th century as European starlings, house sparrows and other aggressive introduced species caused available nest holes to be increasingly difficult for the bluebirds to use. Today many of the eastern bluebirds in North America nest in birdhouses intended for them on "bluebird trails." (bird) (oiseau) merlebleu de l'Est nm nom masculin: s'utilise avec les articles "le", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "un".
Winter: almost always in flocks, often mixed with yellow-rumped, pine, and palm warblers and/or Nest boxes have apparently helped reverse a decline. Juvenile: very similar to Four subspecies in North America; compared with widespread and somewhat migratory, short-billed nominate Male western bluebird with all-blue head, including chin and throat, and generally a deeper blue.
They are fascinating, beautiful birds. (Yep, it's a thrush.) The same climate change-driven threats that put birds at risk will affect other wildlife and people, too. Eastern bluebirds are beautiful, well-known, popular song birds that live in eastern North America. Or take action immediately with one of our current campaigns below: Bald Eagle.
They sometimes gather in flocks numbering one hundred or more.
A high percentage of Eastern Bluebirds in North America today nest in birdhouses put up especially for them along "bluebird trails."
A male will display at a potential nest site to attract a female, bringing nest material, going in and out of a suitable hole, then perching above it, waving his wings. Eastern Bluebirds are members of the thrush family, related to the American Robin.
© Alix d'Entremont | Macaulay Library The females is duller in color than the male, with grayer upperparts; but with an elegant look from the blue tinges to her wings.
Types of boxes recommended for Eastern Bluebirds.
Although it is mostly "eastern" in our area, its total range extends south to Nicaragua.
It has chestnut throat, sides of neck, breast and flanks. Family Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic Photo ArkAn eastern bluebird photographed at Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in OhioPhotograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic Photo Ark
Sialia sialis They also dwell on the islands of Cuba and Bermuda. They are also territorial and will defend a feeding and nesting territory around their nest site during the breeding season, as well as, in winter, a feeding territory. Young leave the nest at about 18-19 days on average.
However, bluebirds are coming back.