Save your money and valuable time by staying home and watching Babe: Pig in the City. Er tussendoor van alles kapot of mis gaat en er iemand van hogere hand de boel probeert te saboteren. In movie, several countries participate in making the technology for saving Earth, but no Russians, they are bad, they don't want to save planet where they live... Really... Puke... At least I've collected a lots of points on my Cinema bonus card, so I watched it for free... geplaatst: 26 januari, 22:32 uur. I did not see this in theaters, but dvr'd it on hbo and (not kidding) had to watch it in 3 viewings because I was getting that bored of it. It reminds me of The Core or Armageddon. Think Moonlighting a la Bruce Willis and Sybil Shepard meets any line spoken by Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator. Daarbij ontbreekt de film niet van een timer die laat zien hoe lang de hoofdrol speler in dit geval Gerard Butler om de wereld te redden.Omdat de film twee jaar op de plank heeft gelegen merk je dat de techniek van toen is gebruikt om de film te maken. 56 out of 103 found this helpful. Was this review helpful? Dit heeft de film niet geholpen om het van de ondergang te redden.Het is een typische Amerikaanse rampenfilm waar alles in zit wat je ervan verwacht. Was this review helpful?
Reacties op Geostorm. 113 out of 145 found this helpful. This is an action-packed movie that will entertain you; and you will feel pretty okay about what you've just witnessed. Was this review helpful?
To shoot bullet-like pieces from space into a storm to release some form of technology that would entirely dissipate the storm is simply just impossible. But I did want to see the ending so I guess that's a positive. This is like a clip show for a movie trope website. and I kid you not, he started to cry. 595 out of 787 found this helpful. Was this review helpful? Dit zijn de nieuwe films en series op Netflix in september 2020. Alleen moet je niet verwachten dat je wordt overladen met scenes waar de rampen de wereld overnemen. Was this deliberate or did everyone miss the mark by miles? When the movie ended, the 8 year old behind me said, "Thats the end? I was really looking forward to see this movie after I saw trailer for it. Was this review helpful? Read Matt Goldberg's Geostorm review; Dean Devlin's film stars Gerard Butler, Jim Sturgess, Abbie Cornish, Ed Harris, Alexandra Maria Lara, and Andy Garcia.
Een heel dun verhaal waar de hoofdrolspeler familie problemen heeft, de wereld moet proberen te redden van de ondergang. 4,0. Too many flaws in this movie. 81 out of 152 found this helpful. Wat ik heel erg jammer vond.De film Geostorm is een vermakelijke film die laat zien hoe de wereld er over twee jaar uit zou moeten zien. Was this review helpful? Was this review helpful? Was this review helpful? 107 out of 171 found this helpful. 120 out of 246 found this helpful. This may well appeal to the mindless folks among us but I think anyone with a few decent brain cells will find this film agonisingly disappointing Was this review helpful? What is there to like about this film? Was this review helpful? Van superhelden, Disney, arthouse films en alles wat er tussen in zit.
Perhaps this will be the springboard for director Dean Devlin for bigger and better things as even James Cameron had to start somewhere. Check out the exclusive movie review and see our movie rating for Geostorm. During the whole movie you feel like you're watching a movie that you've already seen and the … No doubt creating a one sided plot and preaches to the audience. 136 out of 229 found this helpful. Was this review helpful? Was this review helpful? It's very annoying to just want to watch a movie or tv show for "entertainment" but then come to find out it has ulterior motives and a message like a darn after school special.
This movie is just for entertainment. 5 out of 6 found this helpful. You just have to accept it and move on, I feel it unjust to judge the movie on something that they obviously put little emphasis on.
Not even accounting for the obvious environmental agenda, it's just way to preachy and demeaning to the audience.