―Chris Jones, The Chicago Tribune "An extraordinary book." This is another entertaining story from the world of Captain Gabriel Lacey, a seasoned cavalry officer who has sold-out because of injury and whose well-honed senses of honour and justice drive … *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. search results for this author. By focusing his narrative on the inhabitants of Lancaster, Ohio, Alexander personalizes this familiar story in a compelling, often surprising, and utterly heartbreaking way.” In his remarkably nuanced “Glass House is a compelling and harrowing look at the corrosion of the social and economic institutions that once held us all together, from the corporate boardroom to the factory floor. Découvrez Glasshouse de Reokid sur Amazon Music. You could write the same book about half of the country." It’s the most heartbreaking tale of a city since Mike Davis’s “A compassionate but clear-eyed description of how deindustrialization, financial speculation, union-busting and deregulation undermined the social fabric of Alexander’s home town, illustrated with gripping personal stories.”“Brian Alexander’s ‘Glass House’ dramatizes vividly how a half-century of economic ‘progress’ dismantled America’s once-sturdy middle class. Glass Houses Paperback – 1 Jan. 2006 by Sandra Howard (Author) › Visit Amazon's Sandra Howard Page. Écoutez de la musique en streaming sans publicité ou achetez des CDs et MP3 maintenant sur Amazon.fr. Amazon; BAM! "Brian Alexander's moving new book "Glass House" explores how the undermining by venture capital of once-enviable factory jobs in Lancaster, Ohio, has nearly killed that once-thriving town. The Glasshouse traces the evolution of the building type back to antiquity and goes on to describe developments in the sixteenth century when houses and orangeries were first constructed in glass. Book three in the series is centred around the murder of a woman who turns out to have surprising and unsavoury connections with the demimonde and with The Glass House - a house of ill-repute. Sublime writing, secrets, lovable characters I didn't want to leave, and a ripping twisting plot that kept me guessing. John Hix's ground-breaking book on the subject, first published in 1974, has been extensively revised and rewritten for this new edition.
An absolute jewel of a book-- Dinah Jefferies I adored this beautifully-written, riveting mystery.
I adored The Glass House by Eve Chase. Now Available! Amazon Price New from Used from Kindle Edition "Please retry" £5.99 — — Audible Audiobooks, Unabridged "Please retry" £0.00 . The Glass House Children of Ravenshire: The Forgotten [R L Caudill] on Amazon.com. The Elliot Bay Book Company; For Glass House media inquiries, please contact Sarah Schoof, St. Martin's Press, 646-307-5568 . Meet the Glass House Children of Ravenshire and follow them on an adventure on their airship, The Mermaid's Delight.
This house is to be different from any other - one built from the inside out and with "a living space that changes functions as the inhabitants wish".
―Vick Mickunas, Book Nook, WYSO, Miami Valley "As Alexander carefully … Sandra Howard (Author) 3.8 out of 5 stars 24 ratings. The Glass Room by Siman Mawer is about a glass room in a house and the people who inhabit it over the years. Then the Glass house is broken into by two men who seem to know a lot about the family’s wealth, and they want all of it, even if it takes several days. It is about the Landauer family and the architect they hire to build the house, Ranier von Apt, who is loosely based on Mies van der Rohe.
See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. “Brian Alexander does a remarkable job of illustrating what happens when such schemes go awry.”“For those still trying to fathom why the land of the free and the home of the brave opted for a crass, vituperative huckster with an unwavering fondness for alternative facts instead of the flawed oligarch Democrats served up, Brian Alexander has a story for you.”“If you want to understand the despair that grips so much of this country, and the love of place that gives so many the strength to keep going, “Glass House” is a place to start.”“So few journalists today spend time in America’s small towns, even though the people residing in them represent roughly half of the American population.