At the 2018 AGM, Members approved a change to the Club Rules to amend the distance criterion to 40 miles for Outer Town membership. If you no longer have your File number, please contact us via email. This cost includes the £517 Entrance Fee required when graduating to Full Membership.The Life Membership scheme will be transacted via an online process with applications submitted online using the link below according to your membership status.Applications open at 09.00 BST on Wednesday 1 July and will close at 17.00 BST on Wednesday 22 July.The price banding for Life Membership has been determined as set out below: The Life Membership proposals did not include a limit on the number of Life Memberships available to Full Members and it is hoped that the scheme will prove popular. I think I have been placed in the wrong category. Life Membership will be offered to current Full Members in accordance with their category of membership as at 1 May 2020.The Club’s Rules and Regulations state that when a Member wishes to be considered for a reduced subscription category, the Member must make a specific written application to the Chief Executive & Secretary. Why can’t I apply for Life Membership by post? Candidates nominated between 1 May 2020 and 30 September 2020 (both dates inclusive) will be eligible to apply for Life Membership up to and including that date. Historically I have been categorised as an Outer Town Member but now I am Inner Town. Why does the online application show a price level of £0.00? First, we are experiencing delays in receipt of mail at Lord’s. Whether you’re buying a round for friends at the bar, enjoying a meal or purchasing food on the go, you’ll always be rewarded when paying with your new membership card. Why? Please click If a prospective Candidate does not know any of the Club’s Endorsers, the Membership Office can arrange for him or her to be put in touch with an Endorser in a virtual setting.All Candidates for MCC Membership, who must be aged at least sixteen before being nominated, must be proposed, seconded and sponsored by existing Full or Senior Members of the Club.
When checking the distance between my address and Hyde Park Corner, the mileage puts me in a different category. Lord's Cricket Ground. I updated my address but my category wasn’t changed. A table outlining the different price points may also be found within the online application and postal mailing, as well as within the blue AGM document. Each application must also be endorsed by either: an Honorary Life Vice-President; a current member of the MCC Committee; a Trustee; a Past President; a current member of one of the Club’s principal committees or sub-committees; a current Area Representative appointed by the Committee to assist in the organisation of its Out-Match playing programme; a member of Secretariat; or an appointed Endorser.
A more generous allocation of Balcony passes will be made available to all Full and Restricted member categories on these matches/days.Visitor tickets can be purchased through Ticketek (1300 136 961, online at Showing results {{search.getShowingResultsStart()}}–{{search.getShowingResultsEnd()}} of {{search.results.TotalResult}} for To check if something has been handed in, please ring the club on (03) 9657 8888 and our team will check lost property with security. Can I defer my MCC membership or transfer it to another person?How do I obtain Long Room and Balcony passes for my guests?I have lost an item at an event, who can I contact? The Club instead uses professional mapping software calibrated in relation to Hyde Park Corner to determine each individual Member’s eligibility for a distance-related category of membership.Should the 350 Life Memberships be filled at any stage, resulting in the newly-nominated Candidate’s application for Life Membership being unsuccessful, their name can remain in the Candidates’ Book for election in turn from the waiting list in the normal course, and they will be required to pay the usual Candidate’s Registration fee of £291.All Candidates for MCC Membership, who must be aged at least sixteen before being nominated, must be proposed, seconded and sponsored by existing Full or Senior Members of the Club. What is the process of becoming a Candidate eligible to apply for Life Membership? The MCC Committee reserves the right to cap the offer should it be necessary, to avoid the significant erosion of future annual subscription income.