Feed Ingredients

Fodder Yeast

Inactive Dry Fodder Yeast - high-value protein-vitamin product. A microbial protein, synthesized by yeast, in digestibility and amino acid content exceeds animal protein, increases the biological value proteins other feed. Protein is digested fodder yeast in animals by 95%. Sulphur and its compounds are included in the composition, biological processes involved in the formation of amino acids. Enzyme catalysed processes of yeast assimilation of amino acids and protein synthesis. Phosphorus and calcium, the composition is in yeast promote normal development of skeleton.


Active Dry Fodder Yeast


Thermostable live yeast culture based on Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An yeast strain chosen specifically for its positive effects on animal performance, containing more than 1.3 x 1010 CFU/g.

Granules are encapsulated by the layer of dead yeast cells.
